018- 0236
Item Name
MAMBA MAZDA MAZDASPEED 3 6 CX-7 Axela MPS with original K0422 turbo oil and water line kit
MAZDA MAZDASPEED MS3 MS6 CX-7 Axela 2.3L with original K0422 / K0422-581 / K0422-582 / K0422-583 / K0422-881 / K0422-882 / K0422-883 turbocharger
Kit Includes
1 x 4AN 1/4" braided steel teflon PTFE oil feed line kit with 2.5mm restrictor to turbo side
1 x 4AN 5/16" braided steel teflon water feed hose (PTFE)
1 x 4AN 5/16" brandied steel teflon water return hose (PTFE)
1 x NBR turbo oil return hose kit
Everything shown on first picture included.
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